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Safeguarding and Child Protection

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead: Matthew Heartfield
  • Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Neil Davies and Katy Craig
  • Safeguarding Officers: Peter Lane, Shelley Mercer

Staff and Trustees at Beech Academy are aware that many children are the victims of different kinds of abuse and neglect and that they can be subjected to social factors that have a negative impact upon their lives – including domestic violence, substance misuse, bullying, mental health and radicalisation. We also acknowledge that safeguarding incidents could happen anywhere and staff should be alert to possible concerns arising.

If you have any concerns about the health and safety of a child at this education setting or feel that something may be troubling them, you should share this information with the appropriate member of the safeguarding team straight away.

Some issues e.g. a child’s appearance, hygiene, general behaviour, can be shared with any teacher or member of staff within the school. Do not worry that you may be reporting small matters, we would rather you tell us things which turn out to be small, than miss a worrying situation. Here is some information on what to look out for.

However, if you think the matter is very serious and may be related to a child protection concern, e.g. physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect, you must talk to our Designated Safeguarding Officers by contacting the school office on 01623 626008.

Safeguarding and child protection The Beech Academy

Schools play an essential role in protecting children from abuse. They have regular contact with children and young people so are in a strong position to identify signs of abuse and neglect.

Beech Academy safeguard children by:

Creating safe environments for children and young people through robust safeguarding practices

  • Ensuring that adults who work in the school, including volunteers, don't pose a risk to children
  • Making sure staff are trained, know how to respond to concerns and keep-up-to-date with policy and practice
  • Teaching children and young people about staying safe such as keeping safe online
  • Maintaining an environment where children feel confident to approach any member of staff if they have a worry or problem.
  • Providing guidance to parents and guardians through our website and social media channels


Our Policies & Procedures


Online Safety

We offer a range of resources to support parents and guardians with knowing the risks of technologies and online activities, and the steps that they can take to help protect young children and teenagers. Please visit our online safety page below to see this section. 


Wake up Wednesday Safeguarding Resources

16/10/24: Horror Films Guidance



09/10/24: Fire Safety

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