Westfield 1 Science News
Westfield 1 have been learning about atoms in Science.
Westfield 1 have been learning about atoms in Science.
In Science this week, Nurture 3 have been exploring various objects just like Stig from their novel study 'Stig Of The Dump' who takes other people’s junk to build a home.
Nurture 2 participated in their hook lesson for their new novel study, Hidden Figures with the insight into the skills needed to be an astronaut.
In Creative, Nurture 1 have been exploring food from around the world, and recently created their own stir-fry dishes.
Fairholme post 16 have been at the allotment on their work experience placements and we are extremely proud of the work they are doing.
Last week the Year 11’s had a fantastic time at Hagg Farm where they took part in archery, a walk through the hills and canoeing.
Nurture 1 have been absolutely amazing at applying their knowledge from their PowerPoint mazes in ICT to a real-life situation.
Year 10 have been doing a taskmaster activity which encourages working in a team as well as getting the students to work out different problems.
Jorjha in Year 10 has been showing her creativity with a moveable cat she has designed and made at home.
Beech Academy are proud to celebrate and support Autism Acceptance Month. Check out the National Autistic Society for further information on how you can support and help us raise awareness and acceptance of Autism https://www.autism.org.uk/get-involved/raise-money/world-autism-acceptance-week-2024
This week we have celebrated the learning of Year 8 by organising an afternoon tea on the Titantic.
Last week Year 7 pupils went on their novel study trip as part of their study of ‘The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe’.