The Beech Academy, which is part of Nexus Multi-Academy Trust is a high achieving Special Education Needs School with a great tradition of success. We believe that an outstanding education develops our students academically, socially and morally, giving them the skills to be successful in whatever they do once they have left us.
We also feel it is important for our young people to develop outside of the classroom and we offer a wide range of enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities to help prepare our students for the next stage of their education, training or employment.
This half term Nurture 3 have been exploring The Stone Age and learning about life as a caveman.
Westfield 1 have been studying Willy Russell’s ‘Our Day Out’.
Year 10 have been trying different recipes to make meatballs.
Year 9 have been creating their own ‘Memory Box’ in Design Technology.
Over the last few weeks Year 7 have shown a huge amount of ambition and resilience when making lizards out of clay and wood.
This week in cooking, Westfield Post-16 have been using sequencing skills to make their own chicken and vegetable kebab skewers.
Westfield 1 have been learning about atoms in Science.
In Science this week, Nurture 3 have been exploring various objects just like Stig from their novel study 'Stig Of The Dump' who takes other people’s junk to build a home.